Antimicrobial Use in the Agri-food Industry

This special issue of EuroChoices magazine presents the main results of the surveys carried out as part of the Roadmap project.

On 29 January 2025

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For 4 years, the European Roadmap project brought together researchers in the social and veterinary sciences to study transitions in agri-food systems towards the prudent use of antibiotics. Following these numerous surveys, a special issue of EuroChoices has been published to present the main results.

This issue addresses a number of topics:

  • European Countries have Reduced Antimicrobial Use (AMU) in Livestock but Have They Also Replaced and Rethought AMU? A Qualitative Approach
  • Harnessing the Potential of Living Labs in European Research Projects on Agriculture. The Case of Promoting Prudent Use of Antimicrobials in Livestock
  • The Importance of Economic Assessments to Support Changes in Livestock Farming Practices: A Focus on Antimicrobial Use
  • AMR as a Global and One Health Issue: the Challenge to Adapt a Global Strategy in Two Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Mozambique and Vietnam

You will find articles “For a better understanding of the determinants of change”, “For a better design of antimicrobial resistance policies” and researchers' ‘Points de vue’ on the remaining challenges.

The full program and articles can be found here.

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