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All the team members currently working on our projects.
I am a senior researcher in sociology at INRAE (French Research Institute for Food, Agriculture and the Environment), based at IRISSO, Paris-Dauphine University.
I mostly work on animal health policies, the veterinary profession and antimicrobial use in livestock farming. More generally, my research focus on how the problem of antimicrobial resistance reshapes medical knowledge and drug markets, both in human and veterinary medicine. I have been the PI of AMAGRI and ROADMAP projects, I know lead the DOSA project.
All my publications are on Researchgate.
I am a CNRS research fellow in sociology at IRISSO.
My research focuses on the production of knowledge in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors (industrial chemicals, pesticides, human and veterinary antibiotics). I am working more generally on the circulation of chemicals and veterinary antibiotics, and their pollution, on a global scale.
Currently, I act as coordinator of the STATIC project and take part in the DOSA project. With the STATIC teams, we are investigating the way in which antibiotic resistance control devices succeed (or fail) in embracing the promises of One Health, and thus in thinking together about human, animal and environmental health. As part of the AMAGRI project, I have been investigating the forms of knowledge and expertise mobilized to categorize antibiotics that are “critical” to human health.
My list of publications is on ORCID
I have been a PhD in political science since 2017. My research combines the sociology of professional groups, public action, collective mobilizations and gender studies.
My doctoral work focused on the institutionalization of professional equality policies in agriculture and the structuring of a female participation within professional organizations. I am also conducting research on the history of feminist and lesbian struggles. A first postdoc led me to work on the market of complementary social protection for territorial civil servants, while another collective project led me to investigate the construction of the public problem of asbestos in the State civil service.
Within the AMAGRI collective, I am conducting an investigation focused on the pig and poultry industries in order to study the evolution of the economic models of the veterinary profession (structuring of holdings and networks of practices, development of services or goods on the animal health market) as well as the involvement of the profession at the different levels of production and distribution of veterinary drugs.
A post-doctoral fellow at the Alexandre Koyré Center (CNRS - EHESS - MNHN), I have a dual training as a doctor in social sciences (EHESS) and as a biosciences engineer (INSA Lyon). My research lies at the crossroads of the history and sociology of science, environmental history, and the sociology of expertise and public action. It focuses on the sciences, mobilization and politics of the environment and environmental health in the 20th and 21st centuries.
As part of the AMAGRI collective, I've been looking at knowledge and public action on the environmental component of the antibiotic resistance problem (in particular, the release and circulation of antibiotics and resistant bacteria in the environment), in the context of the “One Health” watchword.
Prior to this, my thesis focused on the scientific, social and political trajectory of a family of ubiquitous and persistent pollutants, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). Today, I continue to collaborate with members of the GRAMs collective, while contributing to a participatory research project on pollution management in collective gardens in Aubervilliers (93).
More information here.
As a PhD student in sociology (Paris-Dauphine University) working on the Amagri project, I'm interested in reducing the consumption of veterinary medicines on livestock farms through the use of complementary medicines and, in particular, phyto-aromatherapy, i.e. the use of herbal products and essential oils for therapeutic purposes.
I'm interested in the construction of knowledge and practices in phyto-aromatherapy within the veterinary profession, and in the institutional and political issues involved in regulating alternative medicines in animal health.
As part of the DOSA project, I'm in charge of the GRAMs website.
Marine Al Dahdah is a sociologist and a CNRS fellow at Center for the Study of Social Movements (EHESS-Paris) and French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP). Her research focuses on health policies in Asia and Africa and more particularly on the pharma and digital health industries in India, Ghana and Kenya. She is the leader of the IFP team for the STATIC Project.
Arunkumar A S has a Ph. D in Anthropology, and is a Research Engineer at the French Institute of Pondicherry on the STATIC project.
Earlier he was a Post- Doctoral fellow (2019 -2022) at French Institute of Pondicherry, on an EU-India Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities (EQUIP) funded project titled ‘Coastal Transformation and Fisher Well-being: Synthesized Perspective from India’ where he was part of the research team which looked at the transformation induced by the process of industrialization and changes brought in on the coast by aquaculture.
Prabhakar Jayaprakash started working in this position from August, 2023, at the French Institute of Pondicherry. He is awaiting for the viva voce of his doctoral thesis, Uncovering labour history of fisheries of Palk Bay, from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. In the field of social research, he has fourteen years of experience. He was awarded the Junior Research Fellowship in the year 2016. His areas of interest are commons, labour history and social mobilisation.
Dr. Renaud Colson is Associate Professor in the Law & Political Science Faculty of the University of Nantes (France) and Honorary Lecturer at Cardiff University. He has published on a variety of subjects including comparative law, drug policy and criminology. He is currently on research leave at the French Institute of Pondicherry where he conducts a research on Indian environmental law.
With a PhD in mathematical modeling of stochastic systems from Paris IV, he specializes in data analysis methods for the social sciences. His expertise covers automatic language processing, large language models (LLM) and computational methods, and is embodied in various research, training, consulting and software development assignments. Over the years, he has developed specialist skills in scientometrics (notably on biomedical community analysis in oncology), text analysis, digital humanities and strategic innovation management, collaborating with a wide range of international research institutions (MIT, CNRS, IFRIS, Sciences Po, ENS) on numerous interdisciplinary projects.
Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po, he trained as an engineer and defended his thesis at the Ecole Polytechnique. He specializes in the development of innovative methods for the social sciences. His main fields of interest are textual corpus analysis and network analysis. He has long worked on the mapping of research communities through bibliometric corpus analysis (notably through the creation of the CorText platform to which he contributed for 8 years), then on the way scientific knowledge circulates and is contested online and on social networks in particular.
The colleagues who contributed to previous projects or kindly shared their perspectives with us.
I am a veterinary public health inspector, working at the General Directorate of Food (DGAL) of the French Ministry of Agriculture. I joined the AMAGRI project during my Master's degree in Public Policies and Comparative Governments, section "Food Policy and Health Risk Management", taught by the National School of Veterinary Services and Sciences Po Lyon.
I have studied the classification of critically important antibiotics in order to understand their different expressions at the international, European and national levels. To do so, I examined the trajectory of one molecule in particular, colistin. These analyses fall within the broader picture of the conflicts between health and commercial concerns, and of their integration into international and European normative bodies.
I am a senior researcher in sociology at CIRAD, based at MoISA.
My research focuses on health risks related to animal and livestock, their management at different scales (from local to international levels), from different perspectives (agriculture and development / human and animal health/ environment), and as One Health and Global Health issues. I am currently a visiting professor at the University Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo, Mozambique). I collaborate on various projects on antimicrobial resistance, emerging infectious diseases, and on the human-animal interface, in Low and Middle Income Countries.
More information here.